Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Catalan Rabbit

I bought a large rabbit at the traveling market yesterday here in Maury. This marché arrives in a small van with cheeses, chicken, rabbits and eggs. He also has a portable rotisserie spinning whole chickens and pork loins.
My rabbit was complete with head, kidneys and a very large liver. (Fresh rabbit is always sold here with the liver. It is said if the liver looks healthy, the rabbit will be good to eat. The butcher lifted the rabbit and displayed it’s interior for me to approve. ) My first thought was to grill it but when I told my son, Morgan about the rabbit and it’s liver he reminded me about using the liver to make a “picada”, a Catalan “sauce” or, rather, a thickener and flavor enhancer so I proceeded to make the following:

Lapin à la moutarde avec une “picada” de son foie
Rabbit braised in mustard with a “picada” of it’s liver

Preheat oven to 375º

One rabbit, 2.5-3 pounds

Cut off the head and discard. Cut off the hind legs and the fore legs. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. Cut off the long part of the body and debone. Discard the back. Flatten the body and season with salt and pepper, skin side down. Season the two kidneys with salt and pepper and lay them in the center of the body. Sprinkle with a bit of fresh thyme. Roll and tie the body with the kidneys inside. Tie at one inch intervals. Season the outside with salt and pepper.

1/4 cup olive oil in a large lidded skillet. When it is hot, but not smoking, cook the rabbit pieces until brown. I always sprinkle more salt and pepper on the rabbit as it cooks. Remove rabbit pieces and set aside.

To make the picada:
Add more oil if necessary to the skillet and cook:

5 large cloves of garlic, whole
Rabbit liver
Two 1/2” slices of French baguette

Cook until the garlic is golden and the liver firm ( do not overcook the liver!)and the toast golden. Put in the food processor and whirl to a paste. Set aside. This technique is wonderful used with chicken, too. And the bread can be replaced or combined with almonds or hazelnuts, if you wish.

Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in the same skillet and cook until golden:

One large onion, sliced

Add and bring to a boil:
3 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
3 cups of rich, homemade chicken stock
One cup of white wine
Three sprigs of fresh thyme

Return the rabbit to the skillet with the onions.

Stir in the liver Picdada. Cover the skillet and bake for 35 minutes in the oven.
Remove the lid and continue to cook for another 35 minutes or until the rabbit is tender and the sauce is reduced.

-Ann Walker

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